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What we expect

Commitment to Customers

8 Commitment to customers – what we expect

What we expect

For organisations with 51+ employees:

  •  Do you clearly publish your commitment to customers on your website?
  • Do you gather and monitor customer feedback, report the results to the board and look at ways to address concerns?

If the answer to any of the above questions is no, the question is followed up by:

  • Do you commit going forwards to do so?

For organisations with less than 50 employees (streamlined version):

  • Do you have a clear commitment to customers and prioritise addressing and learning from customer feedback, seeking to put negative issues right?

Evidence base – why is the Employee well-being component needed?

Commercial Drive | Core Behaviours | CIPD
Commercial drive is about applying a business and customer-focused approach, and demonstrating the commitment to deliver results that create value for organisations.

How to Build Customer Relationships | Crash Course

To see resources on how to commit to our components, see our Resource Library here:

Our 10 components

Find out more about the ideals that make up the cornerstone of the Good Business Charter.
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Good Business Charter

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