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What we expect

Employee Representation

4 Employee representation – what we expect

What we expect

For organisations with 51+ employees:

  • Where trade unions are recognised in your organisation, do you agree to meet with them at least annually to discuss business performance and strategy and to attempt to ensure that issues that have been raised by them have been adequately addressed to the best of your ability?
  • Where union representatives are present in the workforce, do you commit to regular engagement?
  • Do you have a forum or similar mechanism where every employee can have input?
  • Are issues from the employee forum escalated to senior management?
  • Do you circulate an annual or biennial employee satisfaction survey to which the results are reviewed by the board?
  • Do you have a mechanism for whistle-blowing that provides all employees with an opportunity to report to internal or external sources, anonymously if they prefer, matters of concern about a danger, risk, malpractice or wrongdoing that affects others, and ensure they are protected from reprisals?

If the answer to any of the above questions is no, the question is followed up by:

  • Do you commit going forwards to do so?

For organisations with less than 50 employees (streamlined version):

  • Is there a way where every employee can make suggestions or raise issues with senior management? (If you recognise a trade union, do you commit to regular engagement?)

Evidence base – why is the Employee Representation component needed?

Employee Relations | Factsheets | CIPD 
Explore the CIPD’s research on individual and collective relationships between employees in the workplace.

What consultation is: Consulting employees and their representatives | Acas 
Explore advice from ACAS on consulting employees and their representatives about organisational issues and changes that affect them.

To see resources on how to commit to our components, see our Resource Library here:

Our 10 components

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