February 2022 GBC Roundup
Welcome to another month of news and updates from us at GBC! We are rapidly growing, with 920 accredited organisations and we can’t thank our supporters enough for continuing to spread the word.
2 Year Anniversary of the launch of the Good Business Charter
Earlier this month, we celebrated the 2nd anniversary of our launch on the 10th February 2020, and we were delighted to see so many of you sharing the news across social media. I wrote a blog to mark the day which you can see here.
We also had the pleasure of posting two brilliant guest blogs from GBC organisations who have been with us since the very beginning. Jon Lewis, CEO of our first signatory, Capita, discusses their responsible business journey and their commitment to the GBC. We also have a blog from Silver Birch Care, who are also celebrating their second anniversary of GBC accreditation, talking about how they champion responsible business in many ways – one of those being GBC accreditation!
The First GBC Signatory – Guest Blog from Capita CEO, Jon Lewis
You can read the full blog here.
Silver Birch Care – Good Business Charter Two-Year Anniversary
You can read the full blog here.
Zero Hours Justice
We are delighted to share the launch of a new accreditation scheme by the campaigning organisation Zero Hours Justice that mirrors our Fairer Hours and contracts component.
There are two standards that you can apply for. If you do not use zero hours contracts in your organisation at all, you can apply here to be accredited as a “Zero Hour Employer”. If you do use zero hours contracts, but in compliance with our standard, you should be eligible to be accredited as a “Fairer Hours Employer”.
The benefits of being an accredited Zero Hours Justice Employer includes free inclusion of your organisation and logos on the Zero Hours Justice website, free promotion on social media and free assistance with any other related media promotion you may wish. You will also be granted a licence for free use of the Zero Hours Justice logos and other intellectual property on your organisation’s website and correspondence.
To find out more and apply for free accreditation please click here.
Julian Richer, founder of both Zero Hours Justice and the Good Business Charter says,
“Sadly some employers treat their staff unethically by using zero hours contracts in a way that causes financial insecurity and anxiety for these workers. In the absence of any action by the government to change this, it is up to good employers like those already signed up to the Good Business Charter to lead the way. I encourage you to apply for the Zero Hours Justice’s Accreditation Scheme to show that treating employees fairly is achievable without exploitation at the workers’ expense. It is ultimately good for business and is the right thing to do.”
Member Spotlight
Our member spotlight this month is Thoughtify, who have been GBC accredited since October last year, and work with organisations to create mentally healthy workplaces. This month, they were selected as a finalist for the InsideOut Wellbeing Consultancy Award, the winner being announced in March. The InsideOut awards “celebrate individuals & companies that have inspired positive change, true commitment and courageousness to enable real change within their field towards creating mentally healthier workplaces during the past year.” Congratulations and good luck to Thoughtify!