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Resource Library

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

General information and resources

Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace | Factsheets | CIPD  
Explore the CIPD’s factsheet on inclusion and diversity in the workplace. 

Resources on Government Voluntary Reporting, Parental Leave, Employee Support, Improving Senior and Board Level Diversity, Training, Pay Gap Reporting, CEO Pay Ratio and examples from GBC accredited organisations below.

Why Is Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace Important? | Great Place To Work
Read this blog from Great Place To Work for an overview on why D&I in the workplace is so important.

Useful practical guidance

How to Inspire, Hire and Grow Diverse Talent – Business in the Community | BITC 
The toolkit provides practical guidance to help businesses inspire future talent, develop inclusive recruitment processes and provide an enabling work environment to help employees thrive. 

Equality and diversity monitoring template | ACAS
Useful information, resources and templates. on monitoring employee equality and diversity.

Advice and guidance | Equality & Human Rights Commission 
Lots of information, research and resources on a range of topics including diversity and inclusion and pay gaps.

CIPD London | Building inclusive workplaces

D&I webinar published on 25 March 2020 by The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) London.

#thisisme | Aviva

5 Diversity and inclusion – Resources

Aviva, share their self ID data journey materials which they share widely in the business to help employees understand why they collect data, what they need it for and how secure it is. Download the high quality pdf version here.

Information and support to help with specific areas