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Resource Library

Fairer Hours and Contracts

General information and resources

CIPD Viewpoint: Employment status, rights and regulation 
Explore the CIPD’s point of view on employment status, rights and regulation, including actions for Government and recommendations for employers. 

Contracts | Institute of Business Ethics – IBE
Learn about the different types of contracts provided to employees, and they varying benefits they can carry.

Contracts, hours and pay | Acas 
Acas have a range of resources, covering employment contracts, TUPE transfers, working hours, redundancy and more.

A campaign to end the practice of zero hours contracts | ZERO HOURS JUSTICE 
Zero Hours Justice provide an accreditation service for organisations to campaign against the unfair use of zero hours contracts. It is not a requirement of GBC members to join, but some of our members have. 

Flexible Working 

Here we provide resources covering flexible working and its take up in the workplace.  

CIPD Viewpoint: Flexible working uptake 
Explore the CIPD’s point of view on flexible working, including actions for Government and recommendations for employers. 

CIPD have plenty of research and guidance for flexible working:

CIPD Research and insights 

  • Report: Flexible working in the UK 
    This policy report examines evidence on the progress of flexible working in the UK, summarises and comments on the main findings and sets out policy recommendations.  
  • Report: Megatrends: Flexible working 
    This report looks at recent trends in flexible working, and since we have to set boundaries around the analysis, we’ve concentrated on trends in when and where work is done.  
  • Report: Flexible Working Task Force 
    Providing resources produced by both the CIPD and the Flexible Working Task Force to help you understand the benefits of flexible working and increase the opportunities available in your organisation. 

CIPD Guidance and tools 

CIPD launches Flex From 1st Campaign | CIPD 
CIPD launch a campaign for Flexible Working, calling on employers to support flexible working for all and to enable the right to request flexible working from day one of employment.

Examples from GBC Accredited Organisations

Remote working: opportunities and challenges | Factsheets | IoD 
The Institute of Directors factsheet on remote working.

Winning flex for all | TUC
TUC’s campaign for the government to unlock the flexibility in every job by introducing a new duty on employers to include the possible flexible working options in all job adverts.